Coping With A Diagnosis of Dementia

Coping With A Diagnosis of Dementia

Contrary to what you may think, dementia isn’t a disease.  It’s a set of symptoms that affect memory, social skills, and thinking, enough to impact daily life.  Many people think memory loss is one of the major symptoms of dementia.  While it’s true that memory loss...
Paying For Long Term Care

Paying For Long Term Care

No one really wants to think about needing long term care, but the fact is, most of us probably will.  When you’re in good health and enjoying retirement and the freedom to pursue hobbies, travel, or just relax, assisted living or nursing home care seems far away. ...
What Is A Living Will For Seniors?

What Is A Living Will For Seniors?

You may have heard the terms living will or advanced directive, and wondered just what they mean.  Simply put, it’s a legal document specifying what actions you want taken related to your health, if you’re incapacitated or otherwise unable to communicate your...
Staying Fit For Seniors

Staying Fit For Seniors

We all know we should exercise more.  But gym memberships can be expensive, and it can be hard to work up the motivation to actually go.  Experts agree that regular exercise is especially important for seniors.  Osteoporosis and even some medications can make bones...

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