We Specialize In Senior Dementia Care

Rio Rancho Assisted Living for Seniors with Alzheimer's and/or Dementia

We’re Committed to Providing Specialized Assisted Living Care for Seniors with Dementia in Rio Rancho, NM

Did you know that over 50% of residents in assisted living and nursing homes suffer from some kind of dementia? And that number is only expected to increase. At Casa de Paz Village, in Rio Rancho NM, we specialize in care for patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. We provide a safe, supportive environment where patients can be monitored and encouraged to participate in therapeutic activities.

One of the most important things families need to keep in mind is that the set of symptoms that make up a diagnosis of dementia can change on a day-by-day basis. Some days are better than others. The symptoms can stabilize, or quickly deteriorate. It’s difficult to predict and frustrating for patients and families. At Casa de Paz Village, all staff attend annual dementia care training to make sure we’re using the most up to date recommendations and strategies. There is a lot of research going on currently regarding dementia and Alzheimer’s, which leads to improved treatment, and better ways of engaging with patients. We want to provide the best possible care and experience to our residents.

We focus on specific things for our dementia patients at Casa de Paz. One very important topic that is often overlooked or not given enough weight is ensuring proper nutrition and hydration in our residents. Patients with dementia may have reduced appetite, changes in food preferences, and be forgetful of mealtimes, as well as staying hydrated. We strive to meet every resident’s dietary needs, and pay extra attention to our dementia patient’s eating habits as well as making sure they are drinking enough fluids. Optimal nutrition benefits all medical conditions, and meal times are an excellent opportunity to observe for signs of decline, and how the resident interacts socially and with staff.

Remember, the quality of life of our residents depends largely on their relationships with staff and, to a lesser extent, the other residents. People with dementia can still experience joy, excitement, pleasure. We believe continuous assessment, planning, communication, and consistent staffing patterns all help to ensure our residents with dementia have the best possible quality of life, the best health, and that their families can rest comfortably knowing their loved one is being well cared for and valued.

We Know Our Residents Are Individuals, Our Staff Provides Tailored Assisted Living Care for Each Resident

Our approach is tailored to each resident individually. Staff and family members participate in developing communication strategies based on individual experience and observation. Does the resident respond better to a suggestion or a request? Is there a particular food they absolutely hate? Does the resident experience anxiety around certain times of the day or with certain tasks? Answering these types of questions helps in the development of a care plan documenting this information. Then it can be shared with other staff members, transportation providers, and others who may interact with the resident. This helps ensure things go smoothly, and minimizes upset and miscommunication.

Successful dementia and Alzheimer’s care is the result of a partnership between staff, medical providers, family, and the resident. Knowing key details about the resident, their preferences, their triggers, how best to engage and what their strengths and weaknesses are enable us to provide a consistently safe, secure, and supportive experience. We take pride in offering residents with dementia a comfortable, home-like atmosphere, while at the same time providing round the clock security and support.

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